anant vasudevan

zero-to-one product & brand designer

My process:
Iterate Quickly: Speed is powerful in the early stages. I focus on rapid prototyping, creating diverse iterations, and incorporating feedback without sunk cost/time.

Polish: After narrowing directions, I’ll design polished and delightful details.

No design silos: As a founder-informed designer, I make sure to use broader context to inform design strategy so it can be used for maximum impact.

Interested in working with me? >> anant[@]verci[dot]com



Co-founder + Creative Director @ Verci.

A creative campus in NYC for a curated selection of artists, founders, and technologists in NYC.


UI/UX Design and Product Strategy for Synced.

Worked directly with founder to create product wireframes>high fidelity mockups>demos+deck in <12 hours before a demo with school district. An AI EdTech solution for K-12.

Cofounder + Head of Design @ Flick

A project management and payment facilitation tool for freelancers and agencies. Built prototypes and scaled to hundreds of users in Los Angeles. Major focus on finding PMF with rapid feature testing and feedback implementation.


Lead Designer

User Research, Interviews, and product conceptualization from the ground up. Building a financial coach for underbanked individuals.

Graphic Design